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Access to free research sources is valuable for small businesses and side hustlers. Here’s a list of free research sources similar to the Census, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Occupational Outlook Handbook:

General Business and Industry Research:

  1. **Google Trends: Analyze the popularity of search queries over time and identify trending topics.
  2. Statista: Provides statistics and studies on a wide range of topics, including industries, consumers, and digital markets.
  3. **U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA): Offers resources, data, and research tools for small businesses.
  4. A comprehensive resource for datasets on various topics, including business, energy, and education.
  5. Pew Research Center: Conducts research on public opinion, demographics, and societal trends.
  6. World Bank Open Data: Access to a wide range of global economic, social, and environmental data.

Market Research:

  1. USPTO Patent Database: Explore patents to understand innovation and trends in specific industries.
  2. EDGAR Database (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission): Access company filings for insights into financial performance and industry trends.
  3. Consumer Expenditure Survey (BLS): Provides information on consumer spending patterns.

Economic and Employment Research:

  1. FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data): Access economic data, including interest rates, employment, and inflation.
  2. BLS Economic Releases: Timely information on employment, inflation, and other economic indicators.
  3. Glassdoor Economic Research: Insights into job market trends and salary data.

Demographic and Social Research:

  1. American FactFinder (U.S. Census Bureau): Explore demographic and housing data.
  2. PEW Research Center – Social & Demographic Trends: Research on societal trends, demographics, and public opinion.
  3. CDC Data & Statistics: Health-related statistics and data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Education and Career Research:

  1. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES): Data on education in the U.S., including enrollment and graduation rates.
  2. O*NET Online: Occupational information, including skills, tasks, and outlook.
  3. OpenStax: Free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks, suitable for educational and research purposes.

International Business Research:

  1. International Trade Administration (ITA): Information on U.S. international trade and business.
  2. World Trade Organization (WTO) Statistics Database: Access global trade data and statistics.

Remember to check the terms of use for each resource, as some may have specific restrictions on data usage. Additionally, many government agencies and organizations provide downloadable datasets for further analysis.